Home News Law Outrage as 63-Year-Old Priest Marries 12-Year-Old Girl in Controversial Ceremony

Outrage as 63-Year-Old Priest Marries 12-Year-Old Girl in Controversial Ceremony

Outrage as 63-Year-Old  Priest Marries 12-Year-Old Girl in Controversial Ceremony

Controversy has erupted after a 63-year-old Ghanaian traditional priest, Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII, married a 12-year-old girl in a customary ceremony.

The event, held on Saturday, has stirred outrage, with community leaders denouncing the union as a violation of norms.

Despite criticism, leaders from the Nungua indigenous community, to which both parties belong, have defended the marriage, citing cultural traditions. However, public outcry has intensified, prompting calls for authorities to intervene and investigate Mr. Tsuru.

The girl is set to undergo a second customary ceremony to formalize her new role as the priest’s wife and prepare for marital duties, including childbearing.

While Ghana’s legal marriage age is 18, child marriage persists, with 19% of girls marrying before 18 and 5% before 15, according to Girls Not Brides. As the controversy unfolds, the government’s response to the situation remains awaited.


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